It’s with some reluctance that I put my own website out there for everyone to see. Unprecedentedly, my real name is on it and it includes real pictures of me and my family.  While I’ve been writing for years, it’s usually in anonymity for my wonderful clients, or as a rather private author, who’s face and story is not out there for all to website

My husband, on the other hand, is constantly looking for any chance to get away and write something on his own website. He would write all day long if he could (he can’t). He’s often tried to convince me to do the same but with little success.  The other day, I mentioned to him an interesting concept I was pondering and his reply was,

“That’s really cool, Aniela. It’s too bad you and I are the only ones who are going to hear it. In a day or two, we won’t remember the details of it. And in a week or two, we won’t even remember having the conversation.”

He was, of course, guilting me into finally starting my own website, but I hate to admit it; he has a point. Preserving the thoughts and impressions of our lives is becoming increasingly important to both of us. We forget so much! Especially now as new parents – I swear my attention span and memory parallel those of my baby boy.  The lessons we learn, the discoveries we make, the few moments of clarity and peace, they are all so easily overshadowed by the next emergency.  And then, with time, they are lost.

New Website

Don’t get me wrong, I’m no Kardashian. I have no desire to be an open book where every moment of my life is public.  However, leaving behind some of my experiences, thoughts, and lessons definitely has a ethereal charm to it. It is perhaps a small legacy to remind me and maybe others of the things that made this life remarkable.

Please write to me and say hello if you found this post. I’d love to hear from you.